untitled (1.17.19), 2019, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (3.20.17), 2017, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (4.30.17), 2017, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (5.29.13), 2013, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (5.30.19), 2019, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (2.1.20), 2020, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (6.9.16), 2016, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"> Inquire "Still the clear fountain retained a portion . . ., 2000, oil on panel, 35x48"> Inquire untitled (5.3.18), 2018, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (3.15.11), 2011, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (12.18.09), 2009, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (5.2.12), 2012, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (3.22.17), 2017, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (1.28.14), 2014, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"   Sold> Inquire untitled (4.16.16), 2016, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (5.17.13), 2013, watercolor and gouache on paper, 18x24"   Sold> Inquire untitled (7.5.15), 2015, watercolor and gouache on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (12.18.14), 2014, watercolor and gouache on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (2.15.15), 2015, watercolor and gouache on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (5.18.13), 2013, watercolor and gouache on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (1.13.15), 2015, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (6.24.15), 2015, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (6.13.09), 2009, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"   Sold> Inquire untitled (2014-2), 2014, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"   Sold> Inquire untitled (2014-1), 2014, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24"> Inquire untitled (12.2.14), 2014, gouache and watercolor on paper, 18x24" > Inquire "Awakened imagination, deluded by the deceptive light" The Last of the Mohicans, 1999, oil on panel, 36x48"   Sold> Inquire