untitled (Matt), 2017, Epson archival digital print, 17x22"> Inquire Portrait of a Photographer (in isolation), 2020, photograph, 17x22"> Inquire Pictures at an Exhibition, 3, Outdoor Installation, 2016, photographs and postcards, pushpins, trees> Inquire Pictures at an Exhibition, 3, Outdoor Installation, 2016, photographs and postcards, pushpins, trees> Inquire Pictures at an Exhibition, 3, Outdoor Installation, 2016, photographs and postcards, pushpins, trees> Inquire Missing Pages (portrait), 2013, letterpress print with collaged photographs, 10x11"> Inquire Missing Pages (picnic), 2013, letterpress print with collaged photographs, 10x11"> Inquire Missing Pages (Anatomy Lesson), 2013, letterpress print with collaged photographs, 10x11"> Inquire Missing Pages (landscape), 2013, letterpress print with collaged photographs, 10x11"> Inquire untitled #4836-8 (dark blue), 2003, unique woodcut on washi paper, 48x36"> Inquire untitled #4836-3 (red and yellow), 2003, unique woodcut on washi paper, 48x36"> Inquire untitled (1-16-06), 2006, photograph (edition of 5), 13.5x40"> Inquire Cease Fire (3–2–06), 2006, photograph (edition of 5), 16x43"> Inquire untitled (3-2-06), 2006, photograph (edition of 5), 33.5x6"> Inquire