Holiday “Smalls”. November 9 – December 15, 2018.

Geoff Hargadon
CFYW Recession (yellow), 2018, screen print on chloroplast (edition of 20), 12x18" > Inquire 
Louis Risoli
Sweet Tea, 2016, oil on canvas, 10x14" > Inquire 
Harold Reddicliffe
13 Yellow Squares, 2017, oil on canvas, 4x4"    Sold> Inquire 
Damien Hoar de Galvin
, 2018, wood, paint, 10.5x8x3" > Inquire 
Nicole Chesney
Study for Incanto, 2017, oil on acid-etched and mirrored glass, 12x12"    Sold> Inquire 
Tim McCool
Painting that fell in the grass., 2018, oil on panel, 10x10" > Inquire 
Tim McCool
Museum, 2018, oil on panel, 10x8" > Inquire 
Rick Fox
August, Rye NH, 2018, oil on canvas, 11x14" > Inquire 
Rick Fox
Wiggle Room, Rye NH, 2018, oil on canvas, 9x12"    Sold> Inquire 
Todd McKie
Stone #15, 2005, stone, flashe, 3.5x3.5x2"    Sold> Inquire 
Dinorá Justice
Portrait Eleven - After Moreau’s Galatea 1880, 2017, oil and acrylic on canvas, 16x12" > Inquire 
Bill Thompson
Green Gemcut, 2018, urethane on polyurethane block, 7.25x7.25"    Sold> Inquire 
Harold Reddicliffe
Carburetor, Striped Box and Two Engines, 2012, oil on canvas, 6x6" > Inquire 
Martin Kline
Dreambox, 2011, encaustic on panel, 6.5x6.5x6.5" > Inquire 
Joseph McNamara
HOOKED, 2017, oil on panel, 10.5x8.5" > Inquire 
Timothy Kadish
A105, 2018, gouache on paper, 11x14"    Sold> Inquire 
Timothy Kadish
Antechamber, 2018, acrylic, resin, marble dust on linen, 9x9x1.25" > Inquire 
Timothy Kadish
Five, 2014, polychromed wood, 10.5x13.75" > Inquire 
JooLee Kang
Blue on Blue #4, 2014, ballpoint pen on paper, 11x11" > Inquire 
Judy Kensley McKie
Ghost Bird, undated, ink on paper, 8.5x11"    Sold> Inquire 
Joseph Barbieri
At the White Cube Gallery, 2007, oil on canvas, 6x8"    Sold> Inquire 
Jennifer Moses
Pink Foot, 2017, oil on panel, 12x9" > Inquire 
Jennifer Moses
Out of the Blue, 2017, oil on panel, 12x9" > Inquire 
Jonathan Stangroom
House After James Castle, 2018, oil on masonite, 6x8"    Sold> Inquire 
Jonathan Stangroom
Dark Cloud, 2018, oil on tree cross-section, 6x9" > Inquire 
George Nick
Perfume Bottle 2010, 2010, oil on linen, 10x10" > Inquire 
Richard Raiselis
July, 2017, oil on panel, 5x7" > Inquire 
Richard Raiselis
July, 2017, oil on linen, 5x7"    Sold> Inquire 
David Prifti
Fungi (Chicken of the Woods), c. 2008, tintype, unique wet plate collodion on metal, 8x10"    Sold> Inquire 
David Prifti
Wary, 2004, photo emulsion on steel, 8x7" > Inquire 
Terry Rose
Made in China XIII, 2014, Chinese watercolor, ink, acrylic, modeling paste on canvas, 12x12"     Sold> Inquire 
Harriet Casdin-Silver
Fetus, 1994, hologram, 4x5" > Inquire